Frequenlty asked questions

Got questions?

For general information regarding appointment wait times, booking processes, cancellation policies and more, click on the General tab. 

General Information

When you visit an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) you may be eligible for assistance from:

Medicare, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the NDIS, your private health fund, your compensation fund.

For more information, visit Dietitian’s Australia – help with costs

There must be at least 1 (one) face-to-face appointment at the beginning of therapy support. From there, de every 12-months thereafter. Reviews are set f

We require more than 2-days notice for if an appointment is to be cancelled.

If notice to cancel an appointment is given within 48-hours the appointment start time, there is a fee equal to the full consultation time. 

An automated SMS and Email appointment reminder notice is sent out 3-days prior to a scheduled appointment.

To cancel and avoid a late notice fee, reply N to the SMS within 24-hours of getting the notice. We would rather not apply a fee which is why we give sufficient notice in advance.

To cancel an appointment that you have already confirmed by replying Y to an SMS, you just need to reply N and it will automatically cancel the appointment.

Keep in mind that if you cancel within the 48-hour timeframe before the appointment start time, there will be a fee attached. 

The short answer is Yes. When someone new begins to work with one of our Dietitian’s, we do everything we can to ensure you have their contact details. 

In the first instance, we ask that you direct any questions or requests to our Administration email.

If you do need to contact the Dietitian for advice or to request a service in the matter of urgency, you can email them directly or call during their work hours. Alternatively, you can SMS them and they will get in touch with you as soon as reasonably possible.

The Administration Officer is Sarah and she can be contacted via email or phone call during the following hours.

9:30 AM – 1:30 PM | Monday, Wednesday and Thursday

Charity Spalding: 9:30 AM – 5:00  Wednesday & Thursday | 9:30 AM – 5:00 Friday

Sheridan Collins: 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM every second Wednesday | 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM Most Saturdays

Our Clinic is located at Suite 3.04 12 Century Circuit, Norwest. 

Our office is inside the Suite of Sydney Health Connections on level 3. 

The Clinic operates on Wednesday and Saturday by Appointment Only.

The Dietitian’s may not always be there so it is not wise to turn up without a scheduled appointment.

Customer Parking out the front of the building are limited during the week. There may be more availability on Saturday’s.

The best place to park is in the Coles carpark. It offers 2-hour free parking and is only a 2-minute walk.

There is also a Cafe across from the building in case you feel like a coffee hit or delicious treat.

NDIS - National Disability Insurance Scheme

  • Participants with Plan Managed or Agency Managed funding are required to sign a Service Agreement.
  • Participants with Self-Managed funding are encouraged to sign a Service Agreement.
  • The Client and/or their representatives contact details
  • The Provider’s contact details. 
  • An outline of the Provider’s services, timeframes and prices.
  • The Client’s rights and responsibilities.
  • The Providers rights and responsibilities.
  • Details on how to end a Service Agreement, make a complaint and who to go to.
  • The start and end date of the Service agreement.
  • The number of NDIS funded hours the Client would like to use toward Dietitian support.
  • For the Dietitian to set a plan with you, they can calculate the number of hours against the types of supports needed over the period of time support is required. 
  • A Participant can use NDIS funding from either Health and Wellbeing or Improved Daily Living.
  • If there is a set number of hours approved for Dietitian support, you can use this. 
  • If there is not a set number of hours for Dietitian support, then in the first instance, you would need to consider what funding is allocated for other therapies.
  • How often would you like a follow-up to occur and can they be over Telehealth or phone. 
  • Home visit appointments will include travel fees whereas appointments at our clinic, do not.

LTC - Lifetime Care Support Schedule

There must be at least 1 (one) face-to-face appointment at the beginning of therapy support. From there, de every 12-months thereafter. Reviews are set f

  • Participants with Plan Managed or Agency Managed funding are required to sign a Service Agreement.
  • Participants with Self-Managed funding are encouraged to sign a Service Agreement.
  • The Client and/or their representatives contact details
  • The Provider’s contact details. 
  • An outline of the Provider’s services, timeframes and prices.
  • The Client’s rights and responsibilities.
  • The Providers rights and responsibilities.
  • Details on how to end a Service Agreement, make a complaint and who to go to.
  • The start and end date of the Service agreement.
  • The number of NDIS funded hours the Client would like to use toward Dietitian support.
  • For the Dietitian to set a plan with you, they can calculate the number of hours against the types of supports needed over the period of time support is required. 
  • A Participant can use NDIS funding from either Health and Wellbeing or Improved Daily Living.
  • If there is a set number of hours approved for Dietitian support, you can use this. 
  • If there is not a set number of hours for Dietitian support, then in the first instance, you would need to consider what funding is allocated for other therapies.
  • How often would you like a follow-up to occur and can they be over Telehealth or phone. 
  • Home visit appointments will include travel fees whereas appointments at our clinic, do not.

Private and Medicare Benefit Schedule

There must be at least 1 (one) face-to-face appointment at the beginning of therapy support. From there, de every 12-months thereafter. Reviews are set f

  • Participants with Plan Managed or Agency Managed funding are required to sign a Service Agreement.
  • Participants with Self-Managed funding are encouraged to sign a Service Agreement.
  • The Client and/or their representatives contact details
  • The Provider’s contact details. 
  • An outline of the Provider’s services, timeframes and prices.
  • The Client’s rights and responsibilities.
  • The Providers rights and responsibilities.
  • Details on how to end a Service Agreement, make a complaint and who to go to.
  • The start and end date of the Service agreement.
  • The number of NDIS funded hours the Client would like to use toward Dietitian support.
  • For the Dietitian to set a plan with you, they can calculate the number of hours against the types of supports needed over the period of time support is required. 
  • A Participant can use NDIS funding from either Health and Wellbeing or Improved Daily Living.
  • If there is a set number of hours approved for Dietitian support, you can use this. 
  • If there is not a set number of hours for Dietitian support, then in the first instance, you would need to consider what funding is allocated for other therapies.
  • How often would you like a follow-up to occur and can they be over Telehealth or phone. 
  • Home visit appointments will include travel fees whereas appointments at our clinic, do not.