Our Dietitian’s provide short term or ongoing support to Participants with approved NDIS funding. 

Initial Assessment

90 minutes | face-to-face


The initial consultation will be face-to-face so that the Dietitian can carry out an observational assessment. During this time, the Dietitian will ask questions to help better understand the key issues and then will provide some recommendations moving forward.

Nutrition plan will be emailed to you after the appointment

Review Assessment

30-60 minutes | face-to-face, Telehealth or phone

$193.99 per hour

Reviews are necessary so that the Dietitian can ascertain whether the nutrition plan needs to be amended. These may occur more regularly for a short time or on a month by month basis depending on the need. In some cases, a review may only occur once or twice a year.

Provider Travel

As per the NDIS guidelines

$193.99 or less

For appointments at home or other location, this will be discussed during an intake phone call. 

NDIS Reports and support letters

60 – 90 minutes

$193.99 per hour

For NDIA requested reports or letters required for other purposes, the Dietitian will do this as requested and email this to you to review.

Step 1. The report or letter will be drafted and emailed to you for review.

Step 2. You can request amendments to be made if needed.

Step 3. The Dietitian will apply any requested changes and email you the final copy. 

* Please give as much notice as reasonably possible to allow time for the Dietitian to prepare the requested documents.

HEN - Home Enternal Nutrition

15-minutes per new registration or update

$48.49 each

The NDIA will fund HEN products and formula for people who can’t eat, swallow and tolerate normal food as a result of a disability. Visit the NDIA Home Enternal Nutrition site for more information.

Step 1. The Dietitian will complete a registration form to order the resources and/or supplements required from one of our preferred suppliers. 

Step 2. The form will be emailed to the supplier. You will be included in this email. 

Step 3. The email sent to you will include details on the process. 

* If you have any concerns or questions about the order or delivery, you can contact the third-party supplier. 

* If there is another supplier you would prefer to use, please advise us as soon as possible so that the Dietitian can complete the appropriate paperwork.

Personalised Resources

Times vary

$193.99 per hour

Where resources are sourced or created by the Dietitian to meet an individual’s personal need, they will spend time behind the scenes working on this at your request. 

Step 1. The Dietitian will complete the task at hand and then email you the information.

Step 2. You can request minor amendments or alternatives if needed. 

Step 3. The resource can be trialled for a set timeframe agreed upon by you and the Dietitian. 

Step 4. A followup review should take place at the end of the trial phase. If changes or alternatives are required, this will be discussed. 

Multidisciplinary Team Meetings and Advocacy

Times may vary

$193.99 per hour

The Dietitian can advocate on behalf of a client by attending one-on-one or group meetings with third-parties over Telehealth, by phone or in person. 

Examples of third-parties are Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Educators, Carers and others. 

Nutrition Education

60 – 90 minutes

$193.99 per hour

Nutrition education can be provided to help those who care for you or your loved ones so they can delivery support in a safe way.

Unscheduled Communication

Times vary

$193.99 per hour

Whether you have a question or need urgent advice, the Dietitian can provide support as needed.

On occasion, they may be able to respond to communications outside of their scheduled hours. To find out their hours of work, you can visit our Contact Us page.

Contact Us 0456 235 683

Current wait times for an initial appointment are between 6-8 weeks. For urgent cases, we will do our best to find something sooner at the request of a Healthcare Practitioner.

Client Referrals

To refer a client, complete the client referral form. We will review the information provided and contact you and/or the Client during Administration hours.

General Enquiries

To enquire on behalf of yourself or someone else, complete the Enquiry form. We will review the information provided and contact you during Administration hours.