Tube Feeding

Accessible Nutrition specialise in the management of Home Enteral Nutrition (tube feeding)

Over recent years there has been a noticeable increase in number of families who are interested in making their own tube feeds at home. If this is something that you are interested in or would like some assistance with, please make an enquiry.

If you are an NDIS participant, we can help you manage full or partial naso-gastric, gastrostomy, gastro-jejunostomy, naso-jejunal (TPT) or jejunostomy feeding.

The NDIA may fund equipment for HEN or a PEG, including enteral feeding tubes and pumps, feed bags or bottles, syringes and giving sets to get the formula into the feeding tube.

If the NDIA fund HEN products in your plan, they will tell you how much funding you have for this in your plan. HEN products will be included in your Core, Consumables budget.

Visit NDIS funding for consumables for more information.

If you are NOT an NDIS participant and you require assistance with managing tube feeding, it is likely to be financially better for you to be seen by a dietitian at your local hospital. 

Contact Us 0456 235 683

Current wait times for an initial appointment are between 6-8 weeks. For urgent cases, we will do our best to find something sooner at the request of a Healthcare Practitioner.

Client Referrals

To refer a client, complete the client referral form. We will review the information provided and contact you and/or the Client during Administration hours.

General Enquiries

To enquire on behalf of yourself or someone else, complete the Enquiry form. We will review the information provided and contact you during Administration hours.